Welcome to the European
Table Tennis Hall of Fame
The website where we honour the champions legendary players, coaches and others who have made an exceptional contribution to the development of Table Tennis in Europe.

The European Table Tennis Hall of Fame (ETTHoF) founded in 2015 is the property of the European Table Tennis Union.
Promote Table Tennis by encouraging publicity. Honour the champions legendary players, coaches and others who have made an exceptional contribution to the development of Table Tennis in Europe. Retain the history of European Table Tennis Each year the ETTHoF Awards Panel will be responsible for bestowing the award and honour – to be inducted into the ETTHoF and for its yearly presentation at the European Championships. The first members of the ETTHoF will be presented during the inaugural presentation at the LIEBHERR 2015 European Championships in Yekaterinburg (RUS). The number of members will increase year-by-year, starting with players, but later also including coaches and other contributors. It is the intention to introduce Player of the Year Awards.
Pre-requisites for consideration
- Medals and extraordinary competition successes at European- World- and Olympic levels
- Outstanding personal reputation and behaviour in sport with taking into account sportsmanship, fair play and team spirit
- Remarkable contribution to the development and image of table tennis.
The Steering and Awards Panel
It shall be appointed by the ETTU Executive Board, upon proposal by the ETTU President, for a term of four years and members shall be eligible for re-election. The Awards Panel will elect a Chair by simple majority. The Chair will be responsible for the orderly conduct of work and for the presentation of the ETTHoF. The ETTU Secretariat will provide secretarial services for the Awards Panel and will be responsible for the necessary operational and promotional activities.
Members of the Panel
Mr. Radivoj HUDETZ (Chair – CRO)
Mr. Ronald KRAMER (ETTU President – NED)
Mrs. Csilla BATORFI (HUN)
Mrs. Jeanny DOM (LUX)
Mr. Richard SCRUTON (ENG)
Mrs. Irina PALINA (RUS)
Mr. Walter RÖNMARK (SWE)
Members of the ETTHoF selection panel (click "read more" for a full biography)

The European Hall of Fame would like to thank the following persons for their valuable contributions to this project:
ITTF – Ian Marshall, Chuck Hoey
Butterfly – Hiroshi Kimura
Donic – Steffen Fetzner
FFTT – Claude Bergeret
A special thanks to Christian Klaus