Members of the ETTHoF selection panel
Radivoj Hudetz (CRO)
Chairman of the board
Born on 30.1.1935 in Zagreb, Croatia
Full biography
Chairman of the ETTHoF board
As player Yugoslav champion in doubles and vice-champion in singles, participant at two European championships.
Coach of Bayern, the German junior team, the Yugoslav national women team, the Yugoslav champion women team HASTK Mladost Zagreb.
Many years lecturer on table tennis at Faculty of Sport in Zagreb and on international seminars.
Author of several books on table tennis technique, tactics, history and numerous professional articles; chief editor of table tennis periodicals “Tischtennis aktuell” and “SPIN”, author of several films and DVD’s on table tennis.
Former president of Yugoslav Table Tennis Association, former General secretary of Croatian TT Association.
Tournament director of World Championships 2007.
Member of ITTF Board of Directors.
Member of ITTF President Advisory Council
Honoured with ITTF award of merit, with the Croatian Table Tennis Association’s Trophy and with the Sport Award of Croatian Republic.

Hans Wilhelm Gäb (GER)
Board member
Born in 1936 in Düsseldorf, Germany
Full biography
Living in Hofheim/Taunus near Frankfurt.
For some years, Hans Gäb was a member of the German National Team and played his first World Championships 1959 in Dortmund.
1981 he became President of the German Table Tennis Federation DTTB, 1993 President of the European Table Tennis Union and a Vice President of ITTF. At the same time he was an Executive in Germanys Olympic Committee.
Due to health reasons he had to resign from both functions in 1994, underwent a liver transplant and has been acting since then as Honorary President of DTTB. Besides his activities in table tennis he also was Chief Executive Officer and Supervisory Chairman of Deutsche Sporthilfe, the German Sports Aid Foundation.
For 50 years now, Gäb has also been the “Spiritus Rector” of his club Borussia Düsseldorf, the most successful table tennis club in Europe, where he played for many years with Eberhard Schöler. Today Timo Boll is leading this team and, until today, Gäb works as his personal consultant and has been in charge of Timos marketing contracts for more than 10 years. In Düsseldorf, Gäb also initiated and realized the German Table Tennis Center (DTTZ) where the German National Team has its Training Focus.
In professional life, after a career in Journalism and his activity as Founder and Chief Editor of a car magazine, Hans Gäb was a Board Member of Ford Motor Company and Adam Opel AG in Germany and later on a Vice President of General Motors located in Zürich/Switzerland.
He is married to his wife Hella with his children Christiane and Wolfgang.

Irina Palina (RUS)
Board member
Born 15.1.1970 in Moscow, Russia
Full biography
Living in Berlin and Moscow, two daughters Lilia and Sonja.
European Championship
1* Team Gold Medal
1* Team Silver Medal
2* Team Bronze Medal
2* Double Silver Medal
4* Double Bronze Medal
World Cup Team Gold 1994.
ETTU Cup champion with Statistika ( Hangary )
Participant of 4 Olympic Games.
1* Team Russia Bronze Medal European Championship 2013
2* ECL Champion with ttc-berlin-eastside
2* German Champin with ttc-berlin-eastside
3* ETTU Cup champion with ttc-berlin-eastside.

Ronald Kramer (NED)
President ETTU
Born 1954 in Gosford (Australia)
Full biography
Living in The Netherlands since 1960
1978: Master degree in international law (University of Amsterdam)
1979-1981: International relations Department, Ministry of Culture, Recreation and Social Welfare
1981-2001: Sports Department of the Netherlands Ministry of Welfare, Health and Sport
1981-2001: Different (vice) Presidencies of Council of Europe Sports Committees
2001-2004: Managing Director Sport for All at NOC*NSF
2004-2007: Consultant at the National Institute for Health Promotion
From 2008: Senior Sports Consultant (self employed)
From 2010: President Netherlands Table Tennis Association
From 2011: Vice President ETTU
From 2013: President ETTU

Walter Rönmark (SWE)
Board member
Born xx.xx.xxxx in xxxxxx
Full biography
Living in The Netherlands since 1960
1978: Master degree in international law (University of Amsterdam)
1979-1981: International relations Department, Ministry of Culture, Recreation and Social Welfare
1981-2001: Sports Department of the Netherlands Ministry of Welfare, Health and Sport
1981-2001: Different (vice) Presidencies of Council of Europe Sports Committees
2001-2004: Managing Director Sport for All at NOC*NSF
2004-2007: Consultant at the National Institute for Health Promotion
From 2008: Senior Sports Consultant (self employed)
From 2010: President Netherlands Table Tennis Association
From 2011: Vice President ETTU
From 2013: President ETTU

Jeanny Dom (LUX)
Board member
Born xx.xx.xxxx in xxxxxx
Full biography
Living in The Netherlands since 1960
1978: Master degree in international law (University of Amsterdam)
1979-1981: International relations Department, Ministry of Culture, Recreation and Social Welfare
1981-2001: Sports Department of the Netherlands Ministry of Welfare, Health and Sport
1981-2001: Different (vice) Presidencies of Council of Europe Sports Committees
2001-2004: Managing Director Sport for All at NOC*NSF
2004-2007: Consultant at the National Institute for Health Promotion
From 2008: Senior Sports Consultant (self employed)
From 2010: President Netherlands Table Tennis Association
From 2011: Vice President ETTU
From 2013: President ETTU

Csilla Batorfi (HUN)
Board member
Born 3.3.1970 Szombathely, Hungary
Full biography
Living in The Netherlands since 1960
1978: Master degree in international law (University of Amsterdam)
1979-1981: International relations Department, Ministry of Culture, Recreation and Social Welfare
1981-2001: Sports Department of the Netherlands Ministry of Welfare, Health and Sport
1981-2001: Different (vice) Presidencies of Council of Europe Sports Committees
2001-2004: Managing Director Sport for All at NOC*NSF
2004-2007: Consultant at the National Institute for Health Promotion
From 2008: Senior Sports Consultant (self employed)
From 2010: President Netherlands Table Tennis Association
From 2011: Vice President ETTU
From 2013: President ETTU